Assistant Fine Master Cogbill filled in for Fine Master Harbicht. Brian must have had one too many cups of coffee. Who could keep up with his rapid fire hits. But we’ll give it a go.
It seems that Tom Crosby failed to sing happy birthday to Brian last Friday. This little oversight cost Tom $50.
Then Dave Freeman was caught via smart phone living life in the fast lane at a retirement party in Las Vegas. But because he was recognized for $100 last week, he got off with only another $25.
Mike Real and Jim Rider are coughing up $25 and $50 respectively for their attire at a Casino Night (flashy shorts with white dinner jacket, tie and dress shirt).
Jim Helms couldn’t identify a DC 3 and worse, he didn’t know that it first flew in 1953. This was worthy of a nice recognition but Assistant FM Brian, forgot this final step. Jim dodged that bullet until Brian thinks about it.
DDS Victor didn’t stand up to be recognized by DDS Brian but again, in his haste, Assistant FM Brian forgot to impose a recognition.
Eszylfie Tayor guessed Frank Perini’s age at 70. Nice complement to Frank but wow, was he off.  Again, no fine.
Finally, Mimi returned to the lectern only to make it clear how happy she would be when Fine Master Harbicht returns. Thanks a lot, Brian!!