As I’m sure everyone has figured out by now, Friday was First Friday Funday. Imy and Rick Dulake opened their beautiful backyard for some Rotary fun. Nearly 50 Rotarians and spouses signed up for the festivities. There was beer, wine, soft drinks to drink and pulled pork sandwiches to snack on. Mike Danielson’s wife Blennie prepared the food.

Imy had a karaoke machine and announced that there would be an award for “Best Singer” and also one for “Worst Singer.” Eventually many guests took their turn at the mic, to the delight of everyone listening. Amazingly, there was a 14-way tie for “Best Singer.” And in one of those inexplicable coincidences that sometimes crop up in our lives, there was also a 14-way tie for “Worst Singer.”

This First Friday Funday was a perfect example of the fellowship of Rotary. Thanks Imy & Rick for your hard work and hospitality.

Earlier in the day was our regular meeting and a lot of fun was had there too. Mike Danielson – our song leader extraordinaire – was out of town and Ray Bushnell leapt into the breach and led us in a stirring rendition of R-O-T-A-R-Y. Jim Potello led the flag salute, Kathy Ellison our prayer, and Jackie So introduced guests. Thanks to Dong Chang and Tony Parrille for being our greeters and making everyone feel welcome.

Because Pat Dolphin’s birthday fell on our meeting date, he was regaled with a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday.” When our president asked what his plans were for his birthday, Pat said he was going to the big party at Imy & Rick’s house, assuming it was in his honor.

If you pass by the corner of Second Avenue and Huntington Drive you will see the just-installed Rotary sign. Thanks to Frank Griffith for getting the sign made and installed.

It was announced that the Celebration of Life for Bob Margett will be held Saturday, November 18 from 2:00 to 5:00 at Royal Oaks Manor, 1763 Royal Oaks Drive North in Bradbury. Bob was a former president of Arcadia Rotary and a long-time member. He also served as mayor of Arcadia and a state assemblyman and state senator.

The big news of the meeting was that we were installing a new member: David Fu. Membership Director Bob Hoffman saw to David’s orientation and guided him through the membership process. Thanks to Dave Freeman and Dong Chang, who were David’s sponsors. Our president reminded everyone that membership is every member’s job and to be on the lookout for quality people who should be part of our club. Welcome aboard, David!

Richard Martinez was our program today. Now we have a very long-term member, Dick Martinez. Dick had to explain multiple times that he was not slated to be our speaker.

The real Richard Martinez spoke on “Growing up as a Foster Child.” Richard was the 13th of 13 children and ended up being raised by his elderly aunt. Despite the challenges of growing up in East Los Angeles without an intact family, Richard worked his way through college and had a distinguished career in education. He is retired from the post of Superintendent of the Pomona Unified School District. A heart-warming and inspiring story.

Next week will be our visit from our District Governor, Michael Soden. President Bob reminded us that it is proper Rotary protocol for all Rotarians to stand when the District Governor is introduced. 

There are some Rotarians whom we haven’t seen recently, but would like to. Your president is looking forward to seeing (and so as not to embarrass anyone, we’ll just use initials): Jeff Johnson, Tom Miles, Gina Post-Franco, Brent Forsee.

See you all next Friday.

Bob Harbicht, President