Larry Callaham gave an update on the Arcadia Rotary Club’s Mini-Grant Program. Over the past 30 years the club has donated over $160,000 to Arcadia schools. Originally grants were only for teachers. The program was expanded in 2016 to include students and student groups. This year the club donated $6000 in grants. Among the grants to Elementary Schools went to purchase STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) kits, to purchase a variety of learning games, to renovate the schools gardens, to purchase RAZ-Kids licenses to allow access to online library of graded materials and to purchase an ESL phonics program. Middle schools used grants to purchase microscopes, to create a graphic novels library, to purchase a 3D printer and a variety of other projects. The High School used their grants to purchase materials for the Catapult Project and to supply funds to compete in the JPL Invention Challenge. Larry encouraged club members to volunteer to help make this year’s program a success.