1. Fall Harvest presented by the Partners in Rotary for the Red Badgers and their mates, but with all welcome. Sunday, Nov. 6,  from 3-6:00PM at the Monrovia Tennis Club, 158 N Sunset, Monrovia.

2. Mon., Oct. 31, 2011, Monday Night Football, at home of Paul Kalemkiarian; with pizza (per Mike Ojeda).
3. Thu., Nov. 3, 2011, CNA (Certified Nurse Assistant) Awards. “A Night on the Town,” Almansor Court, Alhambra, sponsored by Vista Cove, (per Mary Salcedo)
4. Fri., Nov. 4, 2011, Arcadia High School for football. (per Andy Bundesmann)
5. Sun., Nov. 6, 2011, Dodger Stadium Walk for a Cure of Juvenile Diabetes. Join Team Rotary captained by Mike Ojeda. (per Mike Ojeda).
6. Thu., Nov. 17, 2011, Arcadia High School, Alfred Hitchcock comedy “39 Steps”; invitation to Arcadia Rotarians to attend. If interested, advise Mike Ojeda. (per Rob Granger).

7. Rotary Fort Cleanup – Boy Scout Camp: Nov. 12 and 13- Sat and Sun. Check with Frank Griffith.

8.  Palm Springs Convention Center: Ghandi”s  grandson is speaking on…Peace. Nov. 13, 1-4:30PM.

9. Rotary Rose Parade  Float Committee:  meeting Sun. 12/4.

10. Ironman ( and woman ) hike to Monrovia peak – 11/17.  Will start at Matt and Denise Weaver’s House.

11. RYLA – Idyllwild – March, 2 – 4.

12.  Membership Committee – Says –  Bring new potential members.