Arcadia Rotary got the robber’s perspective from a former Arcadia Rotarian, Gina Post . . . dressed up to look like she was from the hood. Decked out with a bandana, leather jacket, tattooed sleeves and a perfect homey accent, she shared tips from an “entrepreneur” about “her business”… stealing.

Some tips were obvious, like reminding us to turn on the alarm! Some were less obvious- thieves put pizza door tags on a home to see if owners are away. Thieves may knock at a front door to offer a service such as cleaning gutters, but are really sizing up the house to see if someone is home.

They look into windows at night to assess the valuables inside. Hint, close your blinds and drapes. They are not afraid to break a window – “nobody pays attention to one loud noise,” Gina from the hood said. Once inside they know to look in the commonest locations for valuables: master bedroom drawers, night stands and sock drawers. If they find a safe they don’t need to open it; they take the whole thing.

Thieves are not deterred by second floors, or by termite tented homes. They cut through the tenting and use gas masks to freely loot properties!

Gina’s creative presentation helped us understand the thinking of those that steal from our homes. Rob Post followed up demonstrating the recent leap in alarm technology. He started with relics from his grandfather’s era which began as a wire connected directly to the police station. In recent years that technology has evolved to constant video surveillance coordinated with home functions – “Integrated management” as it is called.

We are able to not only watch our properties from our smartphone, ipad or internet connection, but also to lock and unlock doors, set temperature, turn on appliances etc. “Video has replaced the alarm,” Rob said.

The Posts were entertaining and informative, an excellent reflection of their 3rd generation family run business.

(by Brad Miller)