I am happy that I attended the Peace Conference, today.  The thematic Question is “Can we achieve World Peace?”  

 Eradicating Polio seemed impossible a few years ago, but look at what we have accomplished.   We CANNOT rely on the Elite or the leaders to make Peace, nor the media, which is a tool that most Politicians use to justify their actions, and forward their own agenda.   Peace begins at home, in our families, then communities.  It begins with you and me, as we strive to get to know each other better.   Then, we can use Conflict Resolution skills, and persuade our enemies/opponents that both sides will be better off in achieving Optimal solutions.   We must NOT consider ourselves too proud to negotiate with our enemies, since they are also fellow humans.   We can celebrate together, and grieve together.   Today, I learned that only one race exists on this planet – The Human Race–.   It is normal to give after you receive.   However, let us try model the opposite, SERVICE before self.  Rotarians, and Non-Governmental leaders should attend U.N. sessions, and actively engage in Attaining Peace.   We CAN Achieve World Peace!!