A special meeting of the board was held on September 8, 2010 to discuss the future of the position of Executive Secretary for the Rotary Club of Arcadia.

COMMITTEE’S FINDINGS & GENERAL DISCUSSION: Past Pres. Mike Real distributed the committee’s findings an lead discussion regarding their acceptance and/or alternate recommendations. (Findings included a breakdown of current responsibilities of Club officers and certain committee chairmen.)

MOTION:Moved by Ralph Orr, seconded by Geoff Tookey that the Board authorize the President to secure a part time Bookkeeper on a contract basis for a maximum of two hours a week. (Division of responsibilities between the Bookkeeper and elected Club Treasurer to be determined.) Discussion.  motion carried.

MOTION:Moved by Eric Barter, seconded by Geoff Tookey that the Arcadia Rotary Club hire a part time Club Administrator for 1/3 the current budgeted expense and ½ the current number of hour’s employment. Discussion. 

MOTION: Moved by Jack Lamb, seconded by Bill Gleason that the motion regarding the possible hiring of a part time Club Administrator be tabled until the next regular board meeting, Monday, September 20, 2010. Discussion. Motion carried.