Shelterbox contents

THE PROBLEM: Twelve million have been displaced by floods that ravaged Pakistan.

If that happened here it would be the equivalent of L.A., the San Gabriel and San Fernando Valleys… having to leave, mostly on foot, with nothing but the clothes on our backs.  Shelterboxes provide shelter, clean water, and food for 10 people for three weeks, and shelter for longer. Tents last up to a year.

We are blessed to live here – and we think its time to help those in Pakistan.

THE CHALLENGE: We would like our members to ask of themselves, neighbors, friends, family, co-workers and others “Would you like to help shelter the twelve million displaced by floods in Pakistan?” Most will say yes.   We are asking members to collect $10 or more at a time, for an average of $50 per member which will buy 5 shelter boxes that will house 50 people… or more if we can do more.

A BENEFIT: Making a difference, Service Above Self , giving back, tzedakah.  No matter what you call it, its part of the bigger global picture of helping others less fortunate, Rotarians at work.

ANOTHER BENEFIT: Gifts are tax deductible.  Checks should be made out to Arcadia Rotary Foundation. Gifts over $250 will get a letter of acknowledgement for tax purposes from the Foundation.

CONCLUSION: Our project will end at the meeting of September 17, 2010.