The Dave and Geoff Show didn’t have much time to really nail a lot of people but, under the circumstances, did a great job.
Victim Number 1 was Frank Griffith who was charged $50 for having a parking pass for his BCS football game tickets at the Rose Bowl. Not bad. The actual parking pass probably cost him $1,500!
Victim Number 2 was Matt Weaver who was nailed for $50 for not wearing his Club pin. Shame on him!
Victims 3 through 6 were Stig Hedlund, Ken Mallory, Bob Daggett and Al Laghab who were all fined for not understanding what Sho Tay was saying on a video clip recently taken of him. Each victim did the best he could but all to no avail. [Really, it was because the video quality was so rotten!] In any event each victim was asked to cough up $50. We never really got a complete reading on what Sho Tay DID say but what the heck.

 [by Bob Daggett]