Mike Real and Pat Dolphin are the new fine masters for this year, they began by promising a “kinder, gentler” approach.

The fines were based on one’s knowledge of the new President Matt Weaver.  The question was, “Do you know your president?”

Terry Earll started with exactness by correctly identifying Matt’s high school, as Arcadia High School.  No fine.

Yvonne Flint was not so lucky, she missed his college of San Diego State and was fined $45, for her effort.

Ernie Jensen had a tough question.  What extreme sports does Matt participate in?  He answered Water Skiing, Bicycling, Jogging and Snow Boarding.   No fine was earned.

Gerald Tamparong knew that Matt meet his wife at San Diego State Water Skiing.  Imy Dulake was not fined for her reponse.

Steve Fong had to answer the five foreign lands where Matt has surfed.  We all learned they were Thailand, Mexico, Peru, Costa Rica and El Salvador, however, Steve was fined $50, ten dollars for each answer.

Dirk Hudson was fined $45 for Matt’s wife name, Denise and sister’s name, Denise too.

Finally, the “kinder and gentler” , group fined Mimi Hennessy $45 for not knowing the Non-Profit group named “Next Level Missions” that Matt runs.

It will be a good year to update our working knowledge of Matt Weaver, not a bad start.

[Roger J Grant]