Boy! You really had to pay attention to THIS “recognition” session. Dave and Geoff were on a tear!

Pat Dolphin got “nailed” for $25 for getting “hammered” at a work party. There is a pun in there somewhere.

It cost Don Milefchik $25 for “horsing around”, a reference to his Day at the Races announcement.

[Dave and Geoff didn’t initially pass on the amount of Pat and Don’s fines. Tom Crosby asked them to clarify that and was promptly fined $25. That will teach him!]

Jack Lamb, Mr. Secretary, was awakened from his usual post-meal slumber by an announcement of a fine of $25 for being apolitical. And here all this time he thought he was on safe ground.

Jason Lee was recognized for $50 because he is running for City Council.

When Imy Dulake told everyone the reason she missed last week’s meeting was because she was in Hawaii on vacation, she was hit with a $100 recognition. Why so high? It seems during that vacation there daughter announced her engagement! That’s peanuts compared to what the wedding will cost!

George Fasching’s car wash was recently named “best car wash” by some important organization. Dave and Geoff asked George if that was “best car wash in Arcadia” and George quickly replied “No, best in Southern California”. [We think the fine was $50 but we are not sure.]

Finally, before being thrown off the stage, Dave and Geoff awarded Tim Vickery a fine of $100 for being the proud grandpa of new granddaughter. Congrats, Tim!

See you all next week when the Dave and Geoff Show continues! 

[Robert Daggett]