Fine master Brian Cogbill and Keith Brown went through recognitions on this Friday the 13th! Dave Didier was fined $50 for taking care of “honey-dos” on his vacation. Talk about double jeopardy. Dick Martinez fined $25 not just for “an afternoon on the golf course” but for “name change”!  Mark Khalaf fined $50 for triumphal return with baby boy (6.4 plus lbs.). Terry Earll fined for a fitting $65 for re-entering the Medicare world via Gitta Earll.  Sho Tay fined a whopping $100, for “running for a seat in the Arcadia City Council”. Good luck! Steve Pelletier fined $40 for returning the napkins used to transport the 4 cookies hijacked after the Christmas luncheon. That’s $10/cookie! Joel Shawn fined $50 for safe return after a two-week cruise. Pat Barnes almost escaped fine but it wasn’t meant to be and the Needlework master got off with only $20.