John Fee is a master of scheduling and was recognized for $25 after he introduced his “first wife”, June.  The Finemasters were impressed by his ability to keep track of the weeks that he brings his second wife to Rotary and that he remembers never to invite June on those weeks.

 The annual Doo Dah Parade in Pasadena is known far and wide.  However the identity of the Devil who leads the parade each year is a loosely guarded secret.  Our own Ernie Aragon was recognized for $50 for his devilish alter-ego’s participation in the parade.

 Having just finished up work projects at the Arboretum and Camp Trask, many club members were honored for their hard work on these projects.  There is some suspicion regarding exactly what that work entails; photos of lunching and fishing have appeared and there is some doubt about how much actual work is being done.  The Finemasters decided to give the workers the benefit of that doubt in this case and fined all the club members who didn’t work on these projects $10 each.

 The Finemasters introduced a new contest for the club, “Are You Smarter than a High Schooler?,” in honor of the Arcadia High School’s Constitution Team becoming the national champions.  Numerous Rotarians were quizzed on their knowledge of the US Constitution, with better-than-expected results.  Dan Bayer was fined $50 for his first wrong answer, but earned a discount for answering correctly on the next question, with a side fine of $25 to Laura Freedman for helping out.  Ernie Jensen, Don Milefchik, Tom Crosby and Al Laghab each gave up $50 for missing their questions, but the club’s attorneys, Dirk Hudson, Tony Parille and Rich Hutton fared better.  Dave Freeman was fined $100 for giving up before answering; then Rich Hutton saved the fines for himself and the others by providing the correct answer.