Finemaster Chan didn’t miss a beat. First he called on new member Susan Lamb and berated her for advertising her profession before she gave her craft talk. Ken felt that her father, Jack, should donate $1,000 in her name but finally settled on $50.
Next up was Imy Dulake who was asked to donate four tickets to the Boys and Girls Cllub to the Los Angeles Zoo. Imy gladly obliged and there was no fine.
Francine Chiu was welcomed back after being away.
Lastly, Ken called on John Murphy to talk about the picture of his horse on Facebook. He explained that he was fined $100 last week by Bob Harbicht even though his income is his social security (“he has no money”). and that he shouldn’t be fined again. This didn’t impress Ken and he asked the membership what John should be fined. The members mercifully settled on $20.