Recognition (I hope he doesn’t call my name) Master Harbicht was at it again!

First Tom Miles was nailed for his questionable bedside manners. Some poor fellow lost his legs in surgery. When he awoke, Tom said “do you want the bad news or the good news”. The fellow said “give me the bad news first”. Tom said “you lost both legs”. The fellow said “so what’s the good news”? Tom replied “I have a buyer for your shoes”. This very poor taste cost Tom $50.

Then he moved on to another Tom—Tom Crosby. Tom and Virginia’s only daughter Tiffany, is getting married on August 1st. Tom confessed that they have been sampling a different wine every night “trying to find the perfect wine for the occasion”. Well, guess what, you’ve got $50 less to spend on your sampling project.

Lastly, Bob got Bob Hoffman on his feet. Bob and Loretta are coming up on their 19th anniversary. But our Recognition Master was more interested in Bob’s financial management business. After Bob H. admitted that he makes money whether you buy or sell, the hammer came down for $50

John Murphy