Bob Harbicht filled in for fine master Glen Oyoung.

For some reason, Rich Hutton refused to allow fine master Bob to fine the many USC fans who stood up and were ready for whatever Rich (UCLA) threw at them. But it didn’t end there.
It seems, as only a good experienced attorney would do, Rich purchased a Ford putt putt hybrid so he could cruise solo in the HOV lane. He got a $10,000 federal price subsidy thanks to us tax payers and to top it off, he only uses gasoline. Seems like charging the little thing is just too much for Rich. $100.00 seems like nothing!!

Tony Parrille and Jean travelled to D.C. to visit their daughter and son in law. This little nine day vacation cost Tony $100.

Jack McRae was recently named as a recipient of Scouting’s highest award, the Silver Beaver. This is really a big honor. Bob let him down easy for only $50.00.