Erich and Melissa Rail            Close to 60 lively Rotarians enjoyed a warm afternoon practicing their raconteur skills at the Partners in Rotary sponsored Oktoberfest, Sunday, October 14th. Partygoers gathered in Mike and Paula Real’s beautiful back yard.
Red Badger Erich Rail recalled having had dinner at Ernie Jensen’s house way back in 1996 when Ernie was District Governor and Erich was President of the Pasadena Sunrise Club. Now that Erich’s children are grown he’s returned to Rotary in Arcadia because it’s such a great group of people. Welcome Erich!
Erich’s wife, Melissa was proactive and said, “If you ask me for a quote, I’ll say ‘I never said that.'” Ernie Jensen played the Mexican Hat dance on the accordion just for her.
Eric Barter raised his glass, “To our Red Badgers and to Partners.”
If you missed the event you missed learning two Rotarians had actively intervened to save a person’s life in the past. You also missed discovering who among us had personally met Mohammad Ali, John F. Kennedy,  Eleanor Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, and Jimmy Carter.
Arcadia Rotarians already have the power to accomplish many great projects together, but when asked which super powers the needed many said, “Flying.” Others desired “Invisibility,”  “Super intelligence,” and “Wisdom.”
For learning the most about the greatest number of people, Sandra Caldero won two tickets to Krikorian Theater and a bottle of wine. Bob Harbicht also won a bottle of wine.