As usual, Mike Danielson got us off to another rousing start as he led us in singing “Daisy, Daisy.” The trick was that the second verse was sung by a computer, programmed in the early-60s to be the first song sung by a computer. A fitting start to our meeting on artificial intelligence.

Butch & Joanne Chinn were recognized for their 23rd anniversary (actually their 32nd; the numbers got transposed). You know it’s been a while because when I asked Butch what they had planned, he replied he didn’t know what Joanne was doing, but he’s going fishing.

Great to see Ernie Aragon at our meeting as he was recognized for 31 years of membership. Ernie brought us up to date on a health scare of a few days ago which almost saw him leave us. But he’s back on his feet . . . and at the Rotary meeting!

Cung Nguyen was lured to our meeting by Mike Real to hear the talk on artificial intelligence, a subterfuge. The real reason was to present to him the “Ernest Jensen Service to Youth Award.” Cung was truly surprised and is a very deserving recipient. Keep up the good work, Cung. And come back and see us again.

Dick Martinez described the Rotary Amigos program our club has had for over 40 years that serves orphanages in Mexico. Dick talked about building 2,000 square foot study halls, patios, plumbing projects, and on and on. A worthy program that has impacted the lives of thousands of children in our neighbor to the south. You can be proud to be a member of this Rotary Club.

What is happening Friday, August 4? Well, of course, it is our regular Rotary meeting. But it is also the first Friday of the month and that means it’s “First Friday Funday.” In fact, it’s our first “First Friday Funday.” (Try saying that three times fast)

For those who have not been paying attention, First Friday Funday is a simple, informal gathering of Arcadia Rotarians and their significant others to just hang out together and have some fun. Nothing fancy. Nothing formal. Just some friends getting together to enjoy the company of our Rotary friends.

  • When? Friday, August 4
  • What time? Around 4:00ish to 6:00ish (happens to be happy hour, when some of the beers are half price)
  • Where? Mt. Lowe Brewery
  • Where’s that? 150 E. St. Joseph, Arcadia
  • What do I need to bring? A few bucks to buy yourself a beer or soft drink or two
  • Anything else? Patsy & I are bringing some peanuts and pub mix to share. You’re welcome to bring something if you’d like
  • Who’s coming? We have 22 signed up so far. Whether you’ve signed up or not, you’re welcome
  • What if I can’t make it? It’ll give us somebody to talk about

Embassy Suites at noon; Mt. Lowe around 4:00. Be there or be square.

President Bob