On March 14, 2010 Arcadia Rotarians celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in the patio of Matt Denny’s Restaurant.  The event was organized by Laura Freedman.  Some who, like ourselves, had other commitments (such as the Sho Tay rally at the race track) stayed only long enough to imbibe a beer or Irish coffee, and engage in conversation.  Most however stayed for a sit down buffet meal of the traditional corn beef and cabbage, along with soda bread from Federico’s.  Persons present prior to this reporter’s having to leave for another event included, in addition to the Freedmans, Imy Dulake, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harbicht (the former wearing his green sweater purchased in Ireland), Mr. and Mrs. Matt Weaver (who were expecting their first grandchild), Eric Barter, Frank and Patricia Hall (who were discussing their return from their cruise through the Panama Canal, preceding the Haitian earthquake), Jim Rider (without his usual locks and showing off his well-contoured cranium), along with others, many wearing green.  This reporter learned that (like the Hudsons on a different occasion) the Harbichts had also visited Blarney Castle, ascending the narrow staircase to reach the top where in return for a tip one could have someone hold his legs so as to enable him to lean back and kiss the Blarney Stone. At least, unlike “the auld days”, the visitors would no longer have boiling oil poured on their heads as they climbed up. Sadly for us (but not for them), the Freedmans are now going to be dividing their time between here and Oregon.  Wish we could have stayed longer, but that’s what happens when two events occupy the same spot on one’s calendar.  (Question: If the snakes were driven out of Ireland, where then did they go?  I don’t even want to think about it.)