We have utilized a set of applications from Google over the last year to put a calendar and photos on our www.arcadiarotary.org website. Unfortunately we ran afoul of their terms of service by having several people using a single user name and password.  We have now kissed and made up with the nice kids at Google. During the discussions with those young folks at Google they offered us the opportunity to try some of their new services; I guess they think if a bunch of Rotarians can do it anyone can.

To gain their forgiveness for our transgressions we had to agree to have one user name and password for each person using their service. It turns out this process, though time consuming, allows us a lot of opportunities to do new things.The really big new deal is that with everyone having an email address ending with @arcadiarotary.org we will have the opportunity to share information within our club that others will not be able to see. There will be a lot of new stuff for our members over the next few months.