On July 29th, 1958 I was born in Detroit, Michigan. My  parents Jamil and Suad had their 3rd child and in 1960 had their fourth. My mother just turned 20 and was done with having children. She volunteered 20 years of her life to Merci mentally disabled children. She also loved music and make-up. Unfortunately, she died from a blood clot at age 52 in Feb 1993. I miss her dearly. She was 14yrs old when she got married to my father age 28. 

My family is 100% Chaldean which goes back to the Ur of Chaldea where Abraham from the Old Testament was born. The Chaldeans traveled north to the village in the city of Telkaif, Iraq. That’s where my dad was born and then they moved down to the city of Baghdad where my mother was born.

At home you speak Chaldean and in the town, Arabic. Your 2nd language in school at the time was French. Back in the days the Chaldean followed the Christian faith.

The Chaldeans traveled into Canada and then moved to settle in Michigan. The population today of  Chaldeans are approximately 80,000 in Michigan and another 9,000 in El Cajon.

When I was 5 years old we packed up and move to California. Yes, better weather and I finally started school and learned to speak English.

I went to Emma W Shuey for kindergarten when kids were nice and helped me to learn English a lot quicker than I thought I would.

Then I went on to San Gabriel Mission Grammar School from 1st thru 8th. My grandmother and I lived in a small apartment right in front of the church where she volunteered and cleaned the church for 25 years. In December of 1993 she was also buried there.

I graduated from San Gabriel High School in 1976. I wanted to be a Pharmacist and move on to USC, but I got married and things didn’t go as planned. My husband was from Mexico, but lived here since he was 14. I adopted my nephew through marriage and then had my 2 girls. I also had a foster daughter Saralyn for 6 years. Edgar now 31yrs old is a percussion instructor for 4 high schools and writes music as well. Angela graduated with her AA and in October moves on to Make Up Designer school and finished Cosmetology School as well. Jennifer graduated with her AA and will attend Cal State LA to become a mental disability Teacher. Isn’t it ironic? My mom loved Music/Merci Mental Disabled Children and Make up.

I divorced when my youngest was 3 years old. I worked in the medical field pretty much forever and volunteered 5 years at Altadena Sheriffs and 10 years of National Night out with SG Police, 20 years of St Anthony’s Fall Festival, 10 years Booster clubs for band camps and speech & debate.

I have done many trips to Mexico to help the unfortunate. Now, I am an Administrator for Pacific Prosthetics & Orthotics and CEO, And founder for Autumn Years Senior Resource and Referral Service.

Best ever….Proud to be in the best Rotary Club in the world thanks to Dennis Lee and Laura Friedman and for all of you as well. It means a lot to me.