Our speaker was the most enthusiastic and insightful we’ve had for some time. Brittany Massey, get this; Steve Garrett’s granddaughter, and recent Cal State Long Beach grad, and Rotoract President (2008-09) gave a very informative talk about the “Net Generation”. With a major in Communication Studies and minor in Psychology she understands how young people communicate. It seems The Net Generation was born between 1982-1992 and there are 60 million of them. They are three times the size of generation “X” and one in four is from a single parent, while one in five have one immigrant parent. 86% of them use cell phones and 82% are connected to a computer most of the time while they are multi- tasking for immediate gratification. Typically, the Net Generation learns best by doing or discovering and they consider themselves good communicators since many blog, use facebook, twitter, email and share. They are more comfortable with images rather than text and love making observations from experience and engagement. The breakdown by generations comparison in age groups:

Matures Baby Boomers Generation “X” Net Generation

Born 1890-1945 1946-1964 1965-1981 1982-1992

“Greatest” “Me” “Latchkey” “Millenials”

Brittany remarked that her generation wants to solve problems around the world as our future leaders. She wants to always remain open to change and service oriented. What a pleasure it was to hear you speak Brittany!