1.  Dick Martinez announced that the Rotary Amigos work trip to Tijuana the weekend of 01/25/2014 was a great success.  Dick recognized the following members and former members, among others, who participated in the Rotary Amigos weekend:  Gerard Tamparong, Tom Crosby, Mike Real, Andy Budesman, Ken Mallory, Stig Hedlund, Al Lahab, Mike Hoey, Rosie Mares and Dick Martinez.

2.  It is not too late to sign up for Arcadia Rotary Day at the Races next Friday, 02/07/2014, at Santa Anita Racetrack.   If you have not signed up and want to go, contact Chairman Don Milefchik .  Cost per member is $11 including valet parking and entrance to the Frontrunner.  The club will be dark on that date so don’t plan on coming to the Embassy Suites.

3.   The club will also be dark the following week on 02/14/2014 as the club will be meeting at the Rose Bowl.  Lunch will start at 11:30 a.m. at the South Lunge in the Press Box which is accessed by elevator.  A tour will begin at 12:00 after lunch and will take about 90 minutes.  The tour will include the press box, interview room media areas, new locker rooms, the old 1920 locker rooms and end up on the field.   Cost to members is $12  and guests are $35.00, and lunch is included.  If you have any questions, contact Tony Parille.  Parking will be available on the west side of the Rose  Bowl.

4.  Eric Barter  announced that members are needed for a work party at Camp Trask on Saturday 03/03/2014 to stain the fort inside and outside, and a follow up will be held on Saturday 03/15/2014.  Plan on being at Camp Trask at 9:00 a.m.

5.  Mike Ojeda announced that there will be district training for new board members on 02/15/2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.   All new board members are expected to attend.  Mike further announced that he needs 2 persons working on the Foundation   to attend.  Contact Mike for more information, including the location.  Plan on caravaning..

6.  Mike Real announced that every member to put Saturday 03/08/2014 on calendar for the club’s Casino Night to be held at the Arcadia Community Center.  This is the club’s big fund raiser for the year and the proceeds will be used to fund all of the club’s projects for the year.  President Mimi announced that all members will be charged a minimum of $100, which will be put on your statement. whether you attend or not.  Every member is requested to sell or pay for an add in the program.  Contact Mike Real or Ray Bushness for information on the adds.  Frank Hall announced that he is still seeking sponsors for the gaming tables;  contact him for further information.

7.  Congratulations to Ashley Andrews for turning in her Red Badge and receiving her Blue Badge.