1.  President IMY DULAKE  announced that Arcadia Rotary Club was presented with a plaque from the Arcadia Girls Softball Association honoring the club’s contribution to the the league in building fields and snack shack at Camino Grove.

2.  President IMY DULAKE encouraged all members to attend the District Conference at Henderson, NV from 06/10/2010 – 06/13/2010.

3.  JOHN MURPHY said to save the date for the club’s Installation Dinner Friday to be held  06/25/2010 at the Monrovia Double Tree Hotel.  Cocktail hour starts at 6:00 P.M. and dinner will be served at 7:00 P.M.   There is no cost for club members and their spouse (or significant other).  This is a semi-formal affair.  Sign up sheets will be sent around at the meetings as we need an exact count to plan the number of meals.  Let our new officers and directors know that they have your total support for the year.  Sign up and be there !

4.  JAY HARVILL announced that the LA 5 club is hosting a Wine Fest on Memorial Day 05/31/2010 from noon to 5:00 p.m. at the Music Center Plaza in downtown LA. 

5.  STEVE GARRETT congratulated Club Secretary JACK LAMB and Club Secretary GERARD  TAMPORANG for the great jobs they have done this year.  Also Steve encouraged everyone to pledge to the Rotary International Foundation and to pay directly through TRF – Direct USA.   He put brochures on each table for instructions on how to pay directly.

6.  GIL STROMSOE passed around the Polio Pig and asked all members to dig deep in their pockets and donate for this great cause.

7.  ERIC BARTER announced the sale of Rotary shirts for $20 each.  This is a great price!

8.  ERIC BARTER also announced that the Cancer Relay for Life that will be held on 06/26/2010 at the Arcadia race track.  All Rotarians are urged to sign up with TONY PARILLE to participate in this worthwhile event.  The cost  is $30, of which $20 goes to the Cancer Society, and each Rotarian who participates will receive a Rotarty T-shirt and be able to attend a barbecue to be hosted by Eric at the race track from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.    Participants will then walk around the race track to fight cancer.   The club has pledged $500 from it’s Community Service budget for this worthwhile cause.