1.  We need club members to man the club’s membership booth at  Arcadia Fire Department’s Annual Pancake Breakfast to be held at the  firehouse on Baldwin  & Huntington Drive (next to the mall) on Saturday 05/05/2018 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m..    Look for sign-up sheets at the next meeting.
  2.  Jean Parrille, President of the club’s Partners in Rotary,  announced that their  board voted to disband and a good portion of their money will be donated to Arcadia Rotary Foundation for scholarships in the name of  Katie Martinez (wife of Dick Martinez) who was Partners’ President when a large portion of the money was raised.  Jean announced that there will be a farewell luncheon  at 10:30 A.M. on Monday 06/14/2018  at the Arboretum’s  Peacock Cafe.
  3.  President Tony inducted Ashley Andrews as the club’s newest member.  Her sponsors Pat Dolphin and Jeff Johnson were present for the induction.  Since Ashley was a former club member, she was presented with a Blue Badge instead of the usual Red Badge.  Congratulations Ashley.
  4.   The club’s meeting was held  at the Arboretums’s Peacock Cafe in honor of Arbor Day.   Member Richard Schulhof, who is CEO of the Arboretum,  announced that over the years  many movies have been filmed at the Arboretum, including several “Tarzan” movies, and that the Arboretum will celebrate “Tarzan Day” on Saturday 06/30/2018,  which will include a lecture on Tarzan’s history.
  5. Mike Real announced that the club’s annual Field of Honor will be held at the Arcadia County Park with opening ceremonies on 05/20/2018.    Club members are needed to assemble and set up the  flags and to man the club’s booth at the Field of Honor.  Mike announced that each member who sells 5 flags will be invited to a wine tasting party set up by Paul K.
  6.  The club is sponsoring the annual Salute to Seniors to be held at the Community Center on Tuesday 05/08/2018.  George Fasching is again heading this event and he needs club members for set up and serving at this great event.