1. Eric Barter, filling in for Mimi today, announced that a follow-up donation of 20 wheelchairs to the needy in Tijuana will be accomplished in the near future. We were successful in getting a $4,000 grant for the project.

2. Monte Carlo Night is slated for the evening of Saturday, Mar. 8. There is still a need for table sponsors, raffle prizes, and advertisements. If you haven’t already signed up, do so at the next meeting. Food will be furnished by the Derby Restaurant. For more information, contact Mike Real or Jim Rider.

3. The Camp Trask Renovation project will be on Saturday, Mar. 1, from 8 AM to 2 PM. They are looking for 40 volunteers to fix up and paint the Boy Scouts’ fort. Hot dogs and all the trimmings will be supplied by George Fasching. Contact Eric Barter or Jack McRae if you can help.

4. Richard Schulhof needs 6 to 8 volunteers to help with the Arboretum Tongva thatching project. It will be on Sunday, Mar. 2, from 1 to 4 PM. Contact Richard if you can help.

High School Students of the Month for January, introduced by Brian Hall

1. The Athletics honor went to Angel Muro, a 17 year old senior and captain of the Boys Varsity Soccer team. In his spare time he coaches first grade kids in various sports. Angel excels in academics also, with a 3.67 GPA. After high school, he would like to attend USC.

2. The Academics honor went to Ariyan Rahmanian, a 17 year old with a 4.0 GPA. He has been active in the Applied Engineering, Model United Nations, and Gender Equality Clubs. He is the captain of his Class Robotics team and a member of the school Constitution Team. His hobbies include playing the piano and playing basketball. Ariyan came from Iran and has been in this country for just three years. He would like to attend USC or UCLA and major in mechanical engineering.

3. The Performing Arts honor went to Jeremy Weisz, a 17 year old. He participates in the Marching Band and Concert Band 3. He is the French Horn section leader, VP of SMU, Pres. of Music Mentors, and Exec. VP of United Synagogue Youths, Pasadena Chapter. Hobbies include singing and playing the guitar.With a 3.66 GPA Jeremy plans to attend either Washington University, St. Louis, or USC, majoring in either Bio-med Engineering or Business/Accounting.