1. Monte Carlo Night is slated for the evening of Saturday, Mar. 8. There is still a need for table sponsors, raffle prizes, and advertisements. If you haven’t already signed up, do so at the next meeting. Food will be furnished by the Derby Restaurant. For more information, contact Mike Real or Jim Rider.

2. The Camp Trask Renovation project will be on Saturday, Mar. 8, from 8 AM to 2 PM. They are looking for 40 volunteers to fix up and paint the Boy Scouts’ fort. Hot dogs and all the trimmings will be supplied by George Fasching. Contact Eric Barter or Jack McRae if you can help.

3. Richard Schulhof needs 6 to 8 volunteers to help with the Arboretum Tongva thatching project. It will be on Sunday, Mar. 2, from 1 to 4 PM. Contact Richard if you can help.

4. Beach Boys at the Arboretum! Richard Schulhof announced the music extravaganza coming  June 22.. Watch for announcements.

5. Teacher of the Month: Dr. Joel Shawn,Superintendant of Schools, introduced Amy Hargrave, as the Teacher of the Month. Present also was her Principal at Highland Oaks, Ms. Cunningham. Amy has several educational credentials, including degrees from Azusa Pacific Univ.,  Cal State Univ. at Long Beach and Cal State  Dominguez .  She enjoys teaching Math and Science and embraces the tech  end  and methods of teaching/communicating with students.