1. LAKE ARROWHEAD PICNIC UPDATE. Eric Barter said that there were 30 people signed up from our club. Other clubs in the San Gabriel Valley will be in attendance as well as the Rotary Club of Lake Arrowhead. If you haven’t signed up, please contact Sandra. There is limited parking at the Burnt Mill Beach Club (47 spots) so Eric is encouraging people to car pool.
  2. KATHY AND DAVE LUGO IN TOWN. Jim Kuhn spotted Kathy and Dave at the popular mexican restaurant, Taco Lita, last week. The former Rotarians live in North Carolina on a large acreage spread where they have horses. Kathy was a blood stock agent in the equestrian field and Dave was our city’s fire chief.
  3. PRESIDENT BRAD’S ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) Brad encouraged those visiting other clubs to take our club’s banner and exchange it for one from the club visited. He displayed a banner from the Anchorage Club in Alaska that Steve Pelletier brought back after attending their meeting. 2) Brad asked all those who were wearing their Rotary pins to stand up and be recognized and encouraged the rest of us to do the same at future meetings to avoid the possibility of a fine. 3) A Building Blocks for Building Clubs training seminar will be held at Etiwanda Gardens on August 20th in the morning. If interested, please contact President Brad.