1. DISTRICT MUSIC AWARDS CONTEST. Ralph Orr announced that the contest will be held at the Arcadia Library   on Friday evening, Feb. 17th. Four Arcadia High participants will compete for the chance to go on to the finals at the District level where the grand prize will be $5,000!
  2. MONTE CARLO NIGHT UPDATE. A sign up sheet will be circulated at the meeting next week, and Mike Ojeda will have tickets available. Mike Real said that the food will be catered by The Derby and Cafe Opera. The event will be held on March 17, from 6 to 10 PM, at the Community Center.
  3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS EDUCATION SEMINAR. Next Saturday, the 18th, is the date for the seminar. Call Sandra to make your reservation.
  4. DAY AT THE RACES. Don Melefchik thanked all who attended last Friday. He said there was an overwhelming response that caused the club to obtain more tickets at the last minute. He praised our secretary, Sandra, for her efforts in getting the additional tickets. There were 95 attendees in total.
  5. ROTARY AMIGOS TRIP. Dick Martinez acknowledged the people who participated by having them come up to the podium. He praised all 35 for their efforts, and in particular, Tom Crosby, who led the group in the completion of a 60′ covered patio. Read more about the trip in an article submitted to the High Gear by Dick.