• President Matt Weaver reminded the club  that Bob Daggett’s memorial service would be Monday, Aug. at 11 AM at the Sierra Madre Congregational Church. Bob was our President for the year 2000-2001. His active participation in the club and great sense of humor will be sorely missed.
  • Pres. Matt called on our District Governor Roger Schulte to honor the following Paul Harris fellows: Brad Miller, Dan Bayer, Ed Butterworth, and Bob Hoffman. Brad, Dan, and Bob received pins for Paul Harris Fellow plus 2, and Ed received one for Paul Harris Fellow plus 3. District Gov. Roger reminded us that Rotary was started in 1905 and its first project was an outdoor restroom in Chicago. Since then, Rotary has been involved in many peace programs and humanitarian efforts, and its current project of eradicating polio worldwide should be accomplished in the next few years.
  • Pres. Matt announced that our executive secretary, Barbara Barnes, would be retiring at the end of July after 21 years of service. Bruce McCallum’s part in the ceremony was to call 14 past presidents to the podium and introduce them. In respect for all that Barbara had done for each of them, they all came attired in suits to honor her on this special day. Imy Dulake presented Barbara with a bouquet of roses and told us of her many responsibilities, including making up the agenda for all the meetings as well as the board meetings where she also brought the refreshments. The spokesman for the group of past presidents was Jeff Swenson who said Barbara made each of their jobs much easier, and that she exemplified all that Rotary stood for. Jeff presented her with a plaque with the names of all 21 presidents with whom she had worked.  The tribute ended with Barbara telling us that she never thought she would hold down the job for 21 years, since her previous jobs were just for a year or two, and that she has enjoyed every minute of her time with the club.

(Dave Totten)