Congratulations to David Muse for being Rotarian of the month. Demonstrating Service above self.

Mike Real needs our help to set up 1000 flags at the Field of Honor next week Saturday Aug. 28th Starting at 8:00 am at the Arcadia county park. Lets come together as a community along with efforts the Arcadia police, firemen and boy scouts.

Bob Harbicht announced the beginning of the opening ceremony for the Field of honor on August 29th at Arcadia county park. Participants (flag carriers) are requested to arrive at 12:00 noon to their assigned positions. We have 80 participants and could use 20 more. So far we have recruits from two scout troops and the Glendora cross country team. Come one come all for this grand event.

John Fee has been released from Arcadia Methodist and is comfortably resting at home.

Lastly, a celebration of life memorial for Dan Place will be on Saturday 08/28/2021 at 10:30 a.m. at the Church of the Good Shepherd. Attendees are asked to wear Hawaiian attire as per Dan’s wishes.