1.  Past President John Tyler died last week and Frank Perini believes that the funeral will be on 04/07/2012. 

2.  Dick Martinez introduced  Ivette Cassitas,  President of  the Tijuana Rotary Club.  She announced that the her club and our club are combining efforts in a joint project to provide water for 3 schools in Tijuana serving over 2,700 students.  She presented a bottle of wine to our club as a gesture of good will between the 2 clubs.

3.  The Red Badgers are hosting a bowling night on 04/14/2012 at 300 Bowling Center, Pasadena, CA.

4.  The District Assembly will be on Saturday 04/14/2012 at Victor Valley College, 18422 Bear Valley Road, Victorville, CA, with registration at 9:00 a.m. and the program from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m..

5.  Mike Ojeda announced that our club meeting will be at Matt Denneys on 05/04/2012.  We will be dark  at the Embassy Suites on that date.  Everyone is encouraged to bring guests.

6.  Mary Salcedo is again chairing the Salute to Seniors luncheon on Tuesday on 05/08/2012, and she needs volunteers to help her at this great civic event.

7.  The District Conference will be held at the Lake Arrowhead Resort from 05/31/2012 through 06/03/2012.  Everyone should plant to attend.

8.  Mike Real announced that the  Casino Night on 03/17/2012 was a financial success and netted $20,800 for the club.  Plans are already being made for next year’s Casino Night which should be bigger and better.  Thanks to everone on his committee including  Jim Rider, Andrea Bundesman, Mike Ojeda, Frank Hall and Nikki Adams.  It was a great evening and everyone had fun.

By Pat Barnes