Friday (8/28/09) recognitions featured David McMonigle and Geoff Tookey as dual fine-masters.  This partnership allowed them to visually scan the room in both directions  simultaneously for prospective prey.  Victims of their costly “recognitions” included  Paul Kalemkiarian, Jim Helms, Ernie Jensen, and . . . and . . . Dave McMonigle and Geoff Tookey, themselves (when the fine-masters turned on each other)!

Paul Kalemkiarian was thunderstruck when he made his first appearance in quite a while only to find himself fined.  However, the fine-masters were working with old material since they cited an L.A. Times article which although itself recent (August 23, 2009) referred to Paul’s taking over his father’s wine business in 1990 (hardly a recent occurrence – but recent enough at least for a retroactive recognition).  In 1972 Paul’s father, Paul Sr. founded the “wine of the month club” craze, and became linked with Napa and Sonoma vintners, just as the California wine industry started to mature.!  In addition, Paul was fined for the plaque that is hanging in the girls softball field house referring to the building as Coach “K’s” Place.  The Fine was $100.00.

Jim Helms was next forced to arise from his comfortable chair.  On October 10, 2009, Methodist Hospital and the Crystal Ball will be sponsoring the 20th annual Crystal Ball to raise funds for Methodist Hospital, and honoring Jim Helms for his long time philanthropic support.2.  It further turns out that Jim and 10,000 of his closest friends will be listening to Kenny G at a special concert for the festivities. Because Jim could not get special seats for Geoff and David for the event, the total fine became $100.00.

Ernie Jensen then had the temerity to get up and try to defend Jim Helms.   For thus identifying himself as a co-conspirator, Ernie was fined $50.

To polish off the series, the once allied fine-masters became fratricidal and mutuallyfined each other (no doubt to see which one would be left standing).  Initially, Dave fined Geoff Tookey for taking a vacation up to Portland Oregon for golf and a Fantasy Football drafting party. (The Fantasy football league is run by Geoff’s College Fraternity.)   Turnabout being fair play, Geoff then fined David McMonigle for the latter’s vacation.  It seems that the McMonigle family went to San Jose for the Water Polo Junior Olympics in which David’s son (Dillon’s) team placed 5th in the nation.  In keeping with their watery theme, the McMonigles next proceeded to Tenmile Lake, Oregon for a week of water skiing.  Since our two finemasters had each sought refuge in Oregon, each was fined $50.