Pres. Mike Ojeda explained the need for a $10 increase per month in our dues. The increase is necessary to balance our budget, and will be the first increase since 2006. Jim Helms made the motion to increase the dues. After some discussion, the motion passed with just one dissenter.

Frank Griffith is still trying to collect the money for the Rose Parade pins that he sold a few weeks ago. They are $10 each, and if you haven’t paid for yours, please see Frank.

Teri Muse invited us to a VIP Open House at Waste Management’s recycling facilities. The dates are the 13th, 14th, and 15th of Nov. Teri said she would put the details in the Hi Gear.

The Junior Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) is having its annual Walk-a-Thon on Sat., Nov. 15th, according to Rosie Mares. The walk is to be held at the Rose Bowl and starts from 7 to 8 am. Last year the club raised $1,600. Please contact Rosie if you can participate in this very worthwhile event.

Gil Stromsoe had the pleasure of presenting two Paul Harris pins. The recipients were Imy Dulake who received a pin with 2 sapphires, and Jim Rider who received a pin with 4 sapphires. The pin signifies a $1,000 contribution and each sapphire represents an additional $1,000 contribution.