Pres. Mike Hoey reminded us that RYLA is slated for April 15 to 17. Facilitators are still needed. If you can help, please contact Mike Real.

Dick Martinez announced the Rotary Amigos project to be held April 16 and 17. The all boys orphanage is between Tecate and East Tijuana, and the project will be the replacing of lighting fixtures which will save 50% in their electricity costs. Please contact Dick if you can participate.

Casino Night is June 4th, from 6 to 10 PM, at the Arcadia Community Center. Eric Rail said that we have room for 2 more table sponsors at a cost of $200 each. He also needs raffle items for the auction, and volunteers to work at the event. Food will be furnished by the Derby, and cost is $100 per person and $175 per couple.

Bob Harbicht said that sales of the flags for the Field of Honor are going well, and he encouraged us to get our orders in. He has information flyers and is asking us to make them available in our offices.

Paul Harris pins were awarded by Gil Stromsoe to three deserving individuals. Ken Mallory received a PH plus 2; Mimi Hennessy a PH plus 4; and Bob Harbicht a PH plus 7. Gil said the donations to the Paul Harris Foundation amounted to $18,000 so far this year.

Pres. Mike had the pleasure of presenting the Rotarian of the Month to Mike Real for his outstanding job as our social chairman.

We had the induction of a new member, Gina Post Franklin, who was sponsored by her brother Rob Post and John Wilson. Gina was a member of the club a few years ago and had to leave when her work took her to Orange County. She is back with Post Alarms in Arcadia and it is great to have her in the club again.

The Teacher of the Year, Melanie Coulter, was introduced by her principal and works as a 4th grade teacher at Hugo Reid Elementary School. She has taught for 10 years in the Arcadia school district and was raised here. Pres. Mike presented Melanie with a plaque and a monetary gift from the club.