Finemaster George Fasching had time for only one recognition and Tom Miles was the lucky recipient of George’s attention. Once he found where Tom was sitting – George had a little trouble seeing through the new glasses he got from Mike Hoey – George confirmed that Tom and his wife Cece were doing well. They’ve been out of town for a couple of weddings in Minneapolis and Hawaii and for some out-of-town meetings. Next, George and Tom agreed that US medicine is becoming more socialized, giving examples of dinners offered for information on diseases such as neuropathy and diabetes. George even had an advertisement for Viagra, which Tom admitted he has prescribed for some of his patients. In addition, George produced an article stating that Southern California doctors are more successful when Viagra fails. George wondered whether that was due to the “four hour thing” and imagined the fire trucks and ambulances responding to such a 911 call. Tom claimed no part of that problem but was fined $37 anyway.