Fine Master Bob Harbicht called on his first “victim” Frank Perini and asked him if he was aware of a Veterans Memorial that is being built in San Dimas, CA where he Frank is being recognized as a World War II veteran; later Frank asked “how do you know?” then Bob reminded us that “he knows everything”. He continued and informed Frank that he can’t fine him for that…BUT he did say he would fine him $50 for his barbershop being recognized as a Landmark in the City Chambers office.

The second person to “walk to plank” was our gracious host for our annual Monday Night Football events Paul Kalemkiarian, however Paul argued that it wasn’t fair to fine a “Blue Badge Guest”…Bob disagreed in laughter adding that the only reason he was in attendance is because he was our speaker. Soon there after he added that because of his father’s 90th birthday bash he was left without the Tom Crosby scotch, but will re-stock in time for this year’s Monday Night Football event. He was in fact NOT exempt from a fine for being a “Blue Badge Guest” and will have to pay $50 cash (not worth of wine).

Jim Helms was asked to stand up next for the 2nd week in a row and was asked if his it was a mere coincidence that a couple of days after being fined by Bob his licence plates finally arrived to his home after 14 months of waiting; Jim answered that he knows that Bob’s influence probably played a roll in that…Bob agreed and fined him $25 for the favor.

Next, it was the “Ernie Show” where Bob asked Ernie Jensen about his current remodeling ventures in both Big Bear, CA and Hawaii. Included in those ventures is that MOST of the glass for the projects are being provided by…Ernie Aragon. However, when Bob discovered that only most, and not all of his glass needs were being met by Ernie Aragon…Bob rolled over the whole fine of $100 to only Ernie Jensen.

Finally it was Ken Chan’s turn to stand up and explain what he was doing at the Queen Mary two weeks ago. Ken said that he was in a model train event where he didn’t buy, but he did sell. Although Ken quickly said that all the proceeds were already spent by his wife, Bob added that he probably still had enough to pay $50.