Rich Hutton was Master of Ceremonies for the annual President’s Demotion. This year, with skillful scripting satirizing the long running hit game show Jeopardy, host “Alex Tre- Harbicht” (Bob Harbicht) took over to conduct the “game”. “Contestants” were invited to the dias : Waleed Delawari, Aaron Rose and Frank Hall accompanied President Eric. Questions (if they could be called that) related to President Eric’s work in Bail Bonds and his team, the Oregon Ducks. In the spirit of the demotion, President Eric had no answers to the questions, (and no script to follow!)

Scoring by Jim Ryder was, conducted on a printed tie, as accurate as the “Ryder Math” we continue to enjoy from year to year.

The “show” was “sponsored” by Bad Boys Bail Bonds with periodic “commercial” vignettes that gave demotion Rotarians Andrea Bundesmann and George Fasching a chance to explain the experience of working with Eric professionally. The recurring theme of the “anti-testimonials” was that Eric would provide wrong court dates, causing more arrests and the need for more more Bail Bond services. “It’s a scam!” they concluded with much laughter from the audience.

Even Eric’s wife Janice participated in the demotion skit, confirming the “commercial” participants concerns of Eric’s less than “Four Way Test” Bail Bond methods.

Dong Chang entertained us with rapid Mandarin and a “phone call” for assistance to “Obama”.

Members and guests enjoyed the entertainment – one of the favorite meetings of the year coordinated by Past President, Imy Dulake. President Barter was thanked for his leadership by an extended and enthusiastic standing ovation.