1. On Thursday July 28 we will have a social meeting at the Sena Restaurant, starting at 5:30. Cost is $10 for appetizers, and drinks are extra. Spouses and friends are welcome, according to John Wilson, our Social Chair. The restaurant is in Monrovia right across the street from the Krikorian Movie Theater on Myrtle Ave.
  2. Member update: The club was sad to hear of the passing of Mike Hoey’s mother last week. A sympathy card was circulated for the members to sign.
  3. Frank Griffith is updating the club roster for this year and needs any corrections in your information. Please email him, or make your changes to the roster that has been circulating at the meetings.
  4. Gil Stromsoe told us of a $3,000 scholarship to be awarded to a worthy recipient by the District Foundation. The club decided to submit an application for Hanna Lee, a senior at Arcadia H.S. She has been very active in the Interact Club, editor of the school paper, team captain of the Science Bowl, Class President, and has a 4.0 G.P.A. She plans on attending Yale and will major in International Relations.
  5. Rotary Amigos will go to Mexico on Aug. 27 and 28. We will work at an all boys orphanage near Tecate. For more details, please contact Dick Martinez.
  6. Pres. Rosie had the honor of inducting a new member. She is Swati Puri, classification Marketing: Consulting. Her sponsors are Ken Mallory and Brian Hall. Since she was a member previously and is now returning to the club, she was presented with a Blue Badge. Welcome back, Swati!